Behind the Scenes: July ‘22

Moray Brass Band

July. When the school holidays stretch luxuriously for weeks ahead and rising temperatures have us hunting for that paddling pool we’re sure we have somewhere… Or if you’re at Atlantis, July means a vibrant whirlwind of summer camps, visiting tourists, new gear, new software and a trial return to full 7 day opening. Read on to find out more about what’s been happening at the Centre over the last month and a look ahead at what’s to come:

Centre Life -  ‘know your building’
July saw the first return to 7 day opening at Atlantis for over 2 years. Last time we told you about our trial return to a full week offering, so we wanted to give you a wee reminder that if you’d like to see Sunday opening remain beyond the trial, please do vote with your feet and make use of the Centre on Sundays over the next few weeks.
July has been soundtracked by that familiar ‘Atlantis buzz’, helped in no small part by the busyness of our summer camp programme. After a three year absence, it’s been wonderful to be able to run the camps again and to host lots of smiling young faces enjoying the fun and games during their summer break from school.
We were very excited to take delivery of a new Tag Archery set this month. Not sure what Tag Archery is? – think paintballing meets Robin Hood. The new activity is one for all ages and stages and will be a fantastic addition to the fun you can have at Atlantis. You’ll see the new equipment at community events like Summer Sensations, Friday Freestyle and will be available as part of our party programme for Adults and Juniors both indoors and outdoors.
Looking ahead to August, we’ll be bringing enhancements and upgrades to our iScuba web booking and app service online. This will make it easier to book activities at Atlantis and to see what’s on when. So keep your eyes on the Atlantis website and social channels for more news on how to access the new systems soon.

Atlantis in the Community - ‘Making a difference beyond the Centre’
Atlantis is getting all brassed up in the next month! – we’ll be hosting the Moray Concert Brass Band as they throw a fundraising concert to raise money for children’s community activities happening in the Centre. The concert will see the band performing a selection of film and pop music, kicking off from 7pm on Friday 29th July. Find out more information by chatting to the Atlantis Reception team.
This month we also welcomed our new nominated councillor to the Atlantis Board of Directors. Atlantis is an independent charity with a volunteer Board that all donate their time for free. As a community-run charity it’s important that we have a good working relationship with the local authority. So ever since Atlantis started we’ve invited a local councillor to work closely with us during their time in office. Following the recent local elections, Luna Martin is our new council representative.

Atlantis and the Environment - ‘maintaining our green momentum’
Throughout the Centre we’re continuing to invest in the unseen technology and systems that help to run the building. This month, we started exploring possible upgrades to our Building Management System. The upgraded equipment will help us better regulate Atlantis’ energy consumption, making it easier to adjust according to variables like weather and building usage. We’re still at the investigating options stage which we’re being helped through by Business Energy Scotland who are providing an eligibility study. We’ll keep you updated!

Did you know? - ‘lifting the lid on Atlantis’
Did you know that Atlantis is now home to a local physiotherapist? At the start of this month, we welcomed Ruth Sunderland to Atlantis as she moved her private business to operate out of one of the rooms in the Health and Wellbeing Hub. Already well-established in North Argyll and Lochaber, Ruth explains how the move to Atlantis is right in more ways than one:

‘It’s great to be based here! I love the community approach of Atlantis and the positive impact that has had on the local community over the years. On top of now contributing to that, being able to more easily make use of facilities such as the gym and the pool makes a huge difference to the quality of further rehab I can offer clients.’

Welcome to Atlantis Ruth!


Atlantis Leisure Extends Sunday Opening Trial


Behind the Scenes: June ‘22