
No joining fees, no admin fees, no contract, freeze option and unlimited use.
Membership allows access into all public sessions.
You can start the sign up process by clicking the link below to register.

If you would like a monthly membership, give us a call or pop in to make an initial payment, collect a Direct Debit form from reception or print one and return to us:

Single Adult:

Gym - £28.30 pcm
or pay annually £288.66 (£24.06)
Swim - £28.30 pcm
or pay annually £288.66 (£24.06)
Climbing - £12.90 pcm
or pay annually £154.80
Sports - £22.70 pcm
or pay annually £231.54 (£17.50)


Don’t forget you can combine packages. Here’s what you’ll pay in total each month if you combine single adult packages:
Any 2 £39.70 pcm or pay annually £404.94 (£33.75)
Any 3 £51 pcm or pay annually £520.20 (£43.35)

  • Sports membership includes all court bookings in the main hall, squash and tennis. This covers the member playing only. If playing a non member an additional fee is payable by the non-member - see our price list.


Gym - £49.90 pcm
or pay annually £508.98 (£42.42)
Swim - £49.90 pcm
or pay annually £508.98 (£42.42)
Gym and Swim - £69.10 pcm
or pay annually £704.82 (£58.74)

Couples will need to provide evidence of living at the same address.

Teen (12 - Under 18s):

Gym - £17 pcm
or pay annually £173.40 (£14.45)
Sports - £17 pcm
or pay annually £173.40 (£14.45)
Swim - £17 pcm
or pay annually £173.40 (£14.45)
Gym & Swim - £22.70 pcm
or pay annually £272.40

In the Gym Under 14s can use cardio and bodyweight only, 14- 16s can also use fixed weights and over 16s can use all the equipment.

  • Sports membership includes all court bookings in the main hall, squash and tennis. This covers the member playing only. If playing a non member an additional fee is payable by the non-member - see our price list.

Junior (Under 12s):

Swim - £17 pcm
or pay annually £73.40 (£14.45)
Soft Play - £17 pcm
or pay annually £73.40 (£14.45)
Swim and Soft Play - £22.70 pcm
or pay annually £231.54 (£19.30)

  • Sports membership includes all court bookings in the main hall, squash and tennis. This covers the member playing only. If playing a non member an additional fee is payable by the non-member - see our price list.

Family Packs

Family Pack 1 - £64.60 pcm
or pay annually £658.92 (£54.91)

Swim, Sports, Soft Play, Climbing 

Family Pack 2 - £93 pcm
or pay annually £948.60 (£79.05)

Swim, Gym, Teen Gym, Sports, Soft Play, Climbing

  • 2 Adults, 2 children (max)
    £10 extra/month per extra child
    Family will need to provide evidence of living at the same address if name varies.

    Sports membership includes all court bookings in the main hall, squash and tennis. This covers the member playing only. If playing a non member an additional fee is payable by the non-member - see our price list.

Atlantis LeisureLink

Atlantis LeisureLink Membership allows access to our gym and swimming pool.

£22.70 pcm or pay annually £272.40

For over 60s, those receiving disability benifits or students (18+), proof required.


Tennis & Squash

Senior Tennis - £16.50 pcm or pay annually £158.40 (£13.20)

Senior Squash - £20 pcm or pay annually £192 (£16)

Senior Tennis & Squash - £22 pcm or pay annually £211.20 (£17.60)

Family Tennis & Squash - £25 pcm or pay annually £240 (£20)

Up to 2 adults, 2 children or 1 adult, 3 children.

Must provide evidence of same address

Student Tennis & Squash - pay annually £87 per year. Must be in High School or further education.

Junior Tennis & Squash - pay annually £45 per year.
Primary or younger

Weekly and Monthly Passes

Swim Month - £34

Gym Month - £34

Teen Gym Month - £17

Soft Play Month - £22.70

Leisure Link Month - £22.70

Tennis Month - £22.70

Weekly Gym Ticket - £17

Weekly Swim Ticket - £15.30

Weekly Gym & Swim - £28.30

Elite Squad Membership

We support elite athletes in the area to reduce the financial burden of costs associated with the use of facilities and enable talented sportspeople to train and reach their full potential.

Elite Athletes are required to be competing in their sport at a regional level.

Please find our Elite Squad application below, please print and return to Atlantis Leisure or send via email to