PlaySport - Coaching Programme
Our coaching is open to all, whether experienced or a beginner, whether interested in taking a sport seriously, or just wanting to give it a try.
Our current programme runs term time and includes tennis, football, athletics and fun games. Every class aims to get kids active, playing games, develop their skills and most importantly have fun learning various sports and skills. All of our classes currently run as blocks and registration is required in advance.
Please see the full timetable below.
You can register interest in these activities by registering on the Client Hub and sending us a message.
As always, any questions can be e-mailed to playsport@atlantisleisure.co.uk.
Encouraging all to Play Sport- The PlaySport Initiative
We believe that EXERCISE IS FOR LIFE, and if the levels of physical activity in Scotland are to increase, then this message must be reinforced from an early age.
PlaySport Key Aims
More children, more active, more often.
Providing every child the opportunity in a wide range of sports.
Setting up after school sessions to provide for all children.
Strengthening local coaching.
No child should have to leave the local area to get high level coaching in sports where interest and potential are evident.
Provide training to volunteers who wish to assist in sports coaching.
Strengthen clubs at Atlantis Leisure and throughout the community.
Identify sporting talent and use their skills to help benefit others.
Progress target sports to a high standard.